Akfen REIT aims to keep its trusted position in the sector by establishing itself as one of the select REIT corporations with regards to the net asset value with its qualified projects in the real estate sector.
Akfen REIT has adopted the mission of constantly increasing its regular rental income from its strong equity and qualified portfolio, while expanding its portfolio size and value to a higher level, and to provide information to its shareholders in a transparent manner in the process.
· An earlier dividend distribution with lower debt and higher revenue
· Increased revenue and profitability from new investments that don't put an extra financial strain on the investor
· Analysis of more profitable investment possibilities while eliminating less lucrative ones
· Increased actual circulation in BIST 100 results in an upward transaction volume and liquidity trend
· Expanding portfolio through long-term agreements and the acquisition of assets that generate consistent cash flow and profitability
· With a rapidly declining net debt / EBITDA profile and a sizeable cash surplus, there's still potential to make new investments, pay dividends, and pay off loans early
· A stronger balance sheet and income statement, with a high EBITDA margin created by profitable assets that are expanding quickly, little currency risk, and low operating and general expenses
· With a rapidly declining net debt / EBITDA profile and a sizeable cash surplus, there's still potential to make new investments, pay dividends, and pay off loans early
· Potential value creation potential due to rising net asset value and the shift from premium to discount